Online Training Testimonials
What are our students saying about online training?

Loganatha sanjeev
Hello everyone I'm Loganatha sanjeev from Tamil nadu. I'm completed my B.E in EEE and passed out in the year 2020.I was selected in Crane varsity in Embedded domain. Everyone knows this year was very pandemic because of covid. All are in very critical situation, in that time cranes took big effort to start training for their students through online. The training was very good and the teaching staff are very kind for explaining the content to us. The session went like real class training. Training was very good. I thank all the people's from crenes varsity for giving a excellent training and knowledge about embedded and provide a good carrier...I hope Crane varsity is the best training institution.

I am swapna, I have completed my btech in Vignan's university and got selected in cranes varsity.This platform is so compatible for freshers where they will provide all the technical knowledge which required for selecting in best hardware and software companies and the trainers are also experienced

I am Nagurbi. I got trained from cranes varsity it's very understandable and at the same time it was one of the best learning experience I had. arshiya mam explained very clear and understandable manner.Thank you cranes Varsity

Arundhathi Ramineni
I got trained from cranes varsity. In the training period I learned lot of new topics and with regular Activities. Arshiya mam Thank you

Ramyasree gunnapaneni
Cranes varsity is the good platform for freshers, who need to be trained either in software or hardware platform. And the faculty are experienced with a good Knowledge

Iam Akhila, I have completed my btech and got selected in cranes varsity. This platform is so compatible for freshers where they will provide all the technical knowledge which we want to get recruited in best hardware or software companies. And the faculties are also highly experienced.

Uday teja Gandepalli
Cranes varsity helped me in gaining good knowledge on competitive programming

Vishal Bhandary
I have finished the online classes for Python basics. Overall for me it was a very good experience. As it was not a hardware(board) based module, the online training via zoom cloud meeting was well structured. It’s my personal opinion that the online course is definitely more effective compared to offline for programming-based modules. So overall the online mode of course was good. Considering the problem of Covid-19 the management has done really a commendable job in providing an alternative solution. So I would like to thank you all for making sure our course plan was not delayed.

Nazma shaik
Myself Nazma shaik. I have selected in cranes varsity through the drive conducted in our's a good platform to learn new things which helps to make strong in different areas like c,c++,java and embedded..The trainers are very interactive with us and I had a good experience of learning over cranes varsity.

Srigopal V Nayak
I am Srigopal V Nayak. I had training by Cranes Software in Full Stack Java Development. The training helped me to gain lot of knowledge in Java, DMBS and SQL. The training was good. The trainers are very friendly and helpful. Overall the training was good and I learned many things.

sannikanti mounika
Cranes varsity is a good platform for freshers,who need a courses and who need to place in good companies

Ankitha Nutalapati
Hi this is Ankitha Nutalapati. I am from chirala. I am in 3 months training in c,c++,ds and embedded also at cranes varsity. It really helped me a lot. Nice experience and good communication

Suharsha vardhan
Hello all, Myself suharsha vardhan.I completed my btech in the stream of ece at audisankara college of engineering and technology in gudur.cranes varsity conducted recruitment drive in our college after that i got selected for cranes varsity then after completion of my final semester exams they provided training in c,c++,ds,linux in this pandemic time.Iam thankful to all trainers and also cranes varsity for giving this opportunity

saisushma pothina
Cranes varsity is the good platform for freshers, who need to be trained either in software or hardware. And the faculty are experienced with a good knowledge. We learn a good data from the faculty

Lydia Kiruba.R
I enrolled by March 30, 2020, for the online classes for embedded training. Having started with C basics, the virtual classes conducted by the trainer’s are interactive. Easy to discuss with a prompt reply to any doubts on programming. As for improving my skills, I look forward to getting better with the training offered to the best of my abilities. I like the MCQs offered by the trainers, their ways of efficiently handling sessions, and answering my doubts although it might be silly. It is very helpful in understand and analysing my knowledge on the Module. I want to improve my skill in writing programming languages.

Ankitha Nutalapati
Hi this is Ankitha Nutalapati. I am from chirala. I am in 3 months training in c,c++,ds and embedded also at cranes varsity. It really helped me a lot. Nice experience and good Communication

Govardhani Kosana
I am Govardhani Kosana "Full Stack Java Development" course from cranes varsity helped me to gain alot of knowledge in Java and trained me about the role of a full stack developer. The trainers are very friendly they helped me alot during the course. Thank you very much Cranes Varsity

Priyanka Matlapudi
Cranes Varsity gives the best Training. Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value

I am Anjana, I have done my in Electronics and communication Engineering. I choose to take embedded training from Cranes Varsity which helped me gain a lot of information. During this corona pendamic, I could use my time to learn C, C++, DS with good clarity of the topics which are very sensitive to deal with and also to understand. I could learn the minute differences between the programming languages which worths a big deal in program writing.The training faculty were very patient and understanding so we felt free to ask and clarify doubts.Overall training went on very peacefully and happily motivating us to improve our strengths.

Aravind Bandaru
The kind of teaching is very understandable and practical. The way they communicate to students is quite friendly and helpful

Naga sindhu
am Naga sindhu from vignan's nirula institute of technology and science for women's,I know about cranes varsity through our college. Cranes varsity is one of the best training institute to learn embedded systems development skills and technologies. I am very thankful to cranes varsity and trainers.

Sreekanta Sreevalli
Myself Sreekanta Sreevalli. I am from Chalapathi Engineering college, Guntur.I was trained in the java complimentary courses in an clean and excellent manner by the well experienced trainers.Cranes is one of the best place to shape in core domain. Trainers are very supportive and motivative in nature to develop skills in every aspect of my training.The training help me a lot to gain a lot of knowledge in the aspects.I would like to thank all trainers who help me to learn the skills.Thank you Cranes for shaping my skills and giving me a best to start my career.

Alan Babu
I would like to extend my thanks for conducting the online training. It was actually a new experience and the presentations were good. Even when the situational circumstances became an obstacle to classroom sessions and the whole planned schedule had to be restructured, classes were conducted in the best possible manner, which is appreciated

I would like to thank you for conducting online classes.Trainers are very good; they are making subject easier for us. Cranes institute has done a wonderful job. I look forward to attend online classes.